Our Vision

To promote and enhance the well-being of people affected by neuromuscular conditions – fostering an inclusive and supportive community.

Ki te whakatairanga me te whakarei ake i te oranga o nga tangata e pa ana ki te neuromuscular conditions – te whakatairanga i te hapori whakauru me te tautoko.

Our Mission

As the leading source of information and support for people affected by one of over 60 neuromuscular conditions, we advocate for their care and provide services that address the unique needs of our members and their families.

Hei puna matua mo nga korero me te tautoko mo nga tangata e pa ana ki tetahi o nga mate neuromuscular neke atu i te 60, ka tohe matou mo to raatau tiaki me te whakarato ratonga e whakatutuki ana i nga hiahia ahurei o o tatou mema me o ratau whanau.

Our Values

Sustainable    Toitūtanga

Empowering   Whakamanatanga

Proactive   Kōkiritanga

Connected   Tūhonotanga

Our Story

The Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand, commonly known as MDANZ, began in the late 1950’s as a support group for families affected by muscular dystrophy. Since then, we have broadened our scope to support people with other neuromuscular conditions, not just muscular dystrophy.

As a registered charity, we rely almost entirely on voluntary donations from the general public, trusts and other businesses/organisations to provide specialist information and practical support to individuals and whānau with lived experience of rare neuromuscular conditions.

We have three regional branches based throughout the country that are supported by the National Support Office based in Auckland. Our governance structure ensures leadership of the organisation by individuals and whānau members with lived experience of a neuromuscular condition. We are therefore member driven in our approach.

Our logo is a person shown in the form of DNA. This double helix represents the genetic component to many of our conditions and reflects our strong commitment to families and the acknowledgement of whakapapa or family histories, which are woven through the stories of our members. We believe in strengthening and supporting both individuals with neuromuscular conditions, their whānau and their communities of support.

Strategic Plan

Click below to download a copy of our strategic plan:

MDANZ Strategy 2024-2028