Women & Leadership New Zealand (WLNZ) is offering professional development scholarships to Muscular Dystrophy New Zealand staff and members.
This opportunity is open to women across all areas of the health care sector.
Women & Leadership New Zealand (WLNZ) supports women leaders across all sectors and industries by providing world-class leadership development programs for emerging, middle and senior leaders. The applied, work-integrated leadership programs provide skills and strategies to address real-world leadership challenges, and are designed to maximise learning outcomes.
Through its Industry Partnership Framework, we work with associations and professional bodies to increase awareness and action around gender equity and continue to create meaningful opportunities for women leaders in your industry. For more information, visit https://www.womenandleadership.co.nz/industrypartnerships.html.
Scholarships of up to $5000 per person available for women in the health care sector
To encourage more women to step into leadership roles across the health care sector, WLNZ is offering scholarships for three leadership development courses. The current round of scholarship funding must be allocated by the end of June. Expressions of interest are being accepted until 18 June (unless allocated prior) via this link: https://www.womenandleadership.co.nz/health.html\.