National Council 2023
The 2023 MDANZ Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 28th April via Zoom. Members and staff were among those who attended. National Executive Chairperson Trevor Jenkin presented his report and spoke to MDANZ’s response to its values – sustainable, empowering, connected and proactive.
Nominations were called for Vice Chairperson and three Councillor positions. Two nominations were received for the Vice Chairperson vacancy and five nominations were received for the three Councillor vacancies.
Rebecca Poad was elected as Vice Chairperson and Jessica Anderson, Joy Jenkin (Northern Region) and Kim Russell (South Island Region) were elected as Councillors.
The full National Council is:
- Trevor Jenkin (Northern Branch) – National Executive Chairperson
- Rebecca Poad (South Island Branch) – Vice Chairperson
- John Hawkins (Central Branch) – Councillor at Large
- Francesca Herdahl-Thorsing (Central Branch) – Councillor at Large
- Joy Jenkin (Northern Branch) – Councillor at Large
- Kim Russell (South Island Branch) – Councillor at Large
- Jessica Anderson (Northern Branch) – Councillor at Large
- Yasmin Dolbel-Neville – Northern Branch Representative
- TBC – Central Branch Representative
- TBC – South Island Branch Representative
- Vacant – Rangatahi Representative
* To view the 2022 AGM Minutes, click here.
Election process for National Councillors
Nominations process
In March each year we call for nominations to fill positions on National Council, as elected members reach the end of their two year term. Elected members can stand for re-election, however all people wanting to stand for National Council must meet eligibility criteria, complete an official nomination form and be nominated and seconded by current members of MDANZ.
Voting process
If more nominations are received than positions available, we will conduct a ballot to elect National Council members. Only formally registered members of MDANZ may vote during National Council elections. Friends of the Association may not. Only Rangatahi members aged 16-25 years may vote for the Rangatahi Representative.
Find out more
If you are interested in the role of the National Council and would like to find out more, please contact the National Support Office by phoning 0800 800 337 or email us at