MDANZ & Branch AGM 2020

Save the Date!

The Annual General Meeting of MDANZ will be held on Friday 24th of April at 6pm at the National Office, 419 Church Street East, Penrose, Auckland. Join us for an evening of interesting speakers, and mix and mingle with your National Council, staff and other MDANZ members.

Branch AGMS 2020

Northern: Saturday 21st of March, 2pm at the National Office – 419 Church Street East, Penrose, Auckland.

Central: Saturday 19th of April, 2pm at the Naenae Bowling Club – 25 Vogel Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt.

Canterbury: Saturday 4th of April, 2pm at the Chirstchurch Community House – 301 Tuam Street, Christchurch.

Southern: Saturday 28th of March, 2pm at the Cargill Enterprises, Dunedin.