Friedreich ataxia – call for research participants

The Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand (MDANZ) has been asked to share information about a clinical research study with members who have Friedreich ataxia (FA).


The MOVE-FA clinical research study will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a study drug that targets an enzyme associated with FA.

The study drug might help decrease the progression of FA symptoms, and information gained from the study may help others with FA in the future.

Researchers are looking for people between the ages of 7 – 21 years old, who:

• Are diagnosed with FA
• Are able to walk at least 10 feet in one minute with or without assistance (but not using a wheelchair)
• Can swallow capsules
• Have not participated in any other interventional clinical trial in the past 2 months.

More information

Please contact the Neurogenetic Research Team on 021 896 662.