Duke of Edinbrugh Applicants for 2019

Our first cohort of Dukies are very close to see their individual goals realised towards their Bronze Award.

Just to remind you, we have five dukies from Auckland to Invercargill working on their Bronze Award. This included an “Adventurous Journey” involving a two day/one night adventure away from their usual supports and environments, this was completed in December last year.

As Award Leader, I am now seeking the opportunity to recruit and support an additional five of our young members between 14 and 24, to begin the programme in 2019, and this is where I need your support. Who do you know out there amongst our young members that would commit and truly benefit from being involved in this awesome programme?

Get in touch and let me know if anyone would like to have a chat with me or receive further information and an application form.

Any questions team, give me a call, 027 4446681, or email marty@mda.org.nz

Below is further information about the Award:

What is involved in completing the programme?

Young people design their own award programme, set their own goals and record their own progress.

They choose a:

  • Service – for our young people that might rely on assistance of others at times, the ability to contribute and give service is highly empowering and great for sense of self worth
  • Physical Recreation – Again this can be as much or as little as an individual is capable of stretching themselves to achieve
  • Skills activity – This could be an existing skill or something new – gardening, fishing, baking etc
  • Go on an Adventurous Journey – plan and complete a trip away from home
  • And to achieve a Gold Award, take part in a Residential Project

A small budget will be allocated at each level of Bronze, Silver and Gold, to help each participant to achieve their goals.

To complete the Bronze Award, a commitment to the skills, service and physical recreation sections requires three months for two sections and six months for one section, for example, a participant may decide to volunteer (service) for six months, learn umpiring (skills) for three months, and play soccer, wheelchair or otherwise (physical recreation) for three months.

The time commitment for each section is to perform the task for a minimum of one hour a week.

The Adventurous Journey for a bronze award, is a two day/one night trip.

They can take as long as they like to complete each level, may decide to complete only one level or all three levels up to Gold.

Here are some examples of activities that have been used by MDNSW & MDANZ participants:



Examples of Requirements


Examples of Requirements
Puzzle Making
Community Radio Assisting
Assist at a Child Care facility
Dog Petting visits
School in-class support

Physical Recreation

Examples of Requirements
Air-Rifle Shooting

Adventurous Journey

Examples of Requirements
Fishing Trip
Train Trip
Trip to another city