Covid-19 Members Update

An update for members following the Government’s announcement yesterday, that all of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 4 until midnight Friday 27th August with Auckland remaining until midnight Tuesday 31st August.

Following the Government’s announcement yesterday, all of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 4 until midnight Friday 27th August with Auckland remaining until midnight Tuesday 31st August.

For MDANZ members, this still means:

  1. All in-person visits nationwide from Fieldworkers and Community Staff have been cancelled and will take place via phone or online.
  2. National Support Office and Branch staff are working exclusively from home until further notice.

Here are some key updates that may affect MDANZ members:

  • The Ministry of Health have updated their guidance for people who are on Individualised Funding (IF), Enhanced Individualised Funding (EIF), and Enabling Good Lives / Mana Whaikaha personal budgets who employ their own support workers: Alert Level 4 guidance for disabled people and whānau who employ their support workers
  • For aged residential care, hospices and disability residential care, family visits are not permitted. Under Alert Level 4 there are no exemptions for end-of-life visits
  • The Student Volunteer Army have reinstated their Grocery Delivery Service for people in the Auckland area. Countdown have reinstated their priority service meaning that disabled people and people who are over 70 can get their shopping delivered quicker. Anyone that has previously been approved as a priority customer does not have to reapply – you will already have priority access to delivery slots for your online shopping.
  • You can find information about human rights in relation to the Covid-19 situation and fill in an online form to report any human rights issues or concerns on The Human Rights Commission’s dedicated Covid-19 website. The website includes information about: your general rights, your rights when interacting with the police, employment rights, and information about family violence.
    • The Ministry of Health have confirmed that exemptions for face masks / coverings remain in place. If you have a disability or health condition and you can’t wear a face covering safely or comfortably, you are exempt from wearing one. The Ministry of Health have developed an Exemption Card specifically for those who cannot wear face coverings safely or comfortably due to a disability or health condition. If you would like an Exemption Card sent to you, please contact us at


If you have any questions, please contact your Fieldworker, email or message us on Facebook, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. For more information about Covid-19 visit