Dear all Members,
Given the current circumstances related to COVID-19, MDANZ is continuing to take further precautionary measures to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
Our priority is to protect our members, our employees and the communities in which we live and work. Like everyone, we continue to closely monitor the situation and will follow the guidance of local authorities.
As a result, from Monday 23 March until further notice, all face-to-face meetings and engagements with MDANZ staff including fieldworkers will be suspended and we will utilise virtual meeting options such as phone, email, skype or zoom for any communication. Please do not hesitate to contact your MDA fieldworker or MDA if you have any concerns or questions. You can always email or phone 0800 800 337 and we will ensure your email or phone message gets to the right person who will get back in touch with you within a day.
Please be aware that from today if you have a neuromuscular condition you are eligible for this year’s free flu vaccine.
Contact your GP first to check that they have it in stock. The flu vaccine won’t protect you from COVID-19 but it will help you to stay healthy and well and is recommended.
Covid 19 Information for People with Disabilities:
As more information about this new coronavirus and its impact on neuromuscular conditions becomes available MDANZ will inform you.
MDANZ staff members remain working and are available to you via phone and/or email.
Trevor Jenkin
National Executive Chairperson