Coronavirus (COVID19) Update

Coronavirus & Neuromuscular Conditions

MDANZ is concerned that the new coronavirus (COVID-19) may have a disproportionate impact on people and families affected by neuromuscular conditions.

At the time of writing coronavirus is limited to a few people in New Zealand and all of these people have recently travelled. We are not yet observing community transmission. Looking at what’s happened elsewhere around the world, including Australia, it is likely that we will see community transmission happening here too.

Neuromuscular conditions are variable from one person to the next, so it is difficult to make recommendations across the board for everyone. However, we do know that many children and adults affected by neuromuscular conditions fall within the category of “People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19”. For example, those with heart problems, weakness of breathing muscles, or weak cough are considered at higher risk of serious illness from this virus.

If you or a family member are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19, it is extra important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease.,

Please read and follow the guidance from the Ministry of Health:
As more information about this new coronavirus and its impact on neuromuscular conditions becomes available MDANZ will inform you.

MDANZ staff members remain working and are available to you via phone and/or email.