Christchurch Event

It saddens our organisation, staff and members of the horrible event that has recently happened on Friday, 15th of March 2019. Click this blog post to find out what MDA is offering at this time.

An event has recently happened in Christchurch that has shook our nation.
There are so many feelings and a limit to what we can express, but for one – we are extremely sad.

MDA is aware that this is a very distressing time for our Muslim members and we are offering fieldworker support throughout this week. This support is also open to any other member who feels the need to talk about what is going on in our country and our world. Our fieldworkers – Paul, Marty and Jo are available in the South Island for any support or assistance during this time, as well as Darian, Rachel and Penny are willing to offer their services to members in the North Island.
If you need to talk to someone, or know of someone who needs support during this time, you can:

If you are wanting to express your support for our Muslim community in Aotearoa, New Zealand – here is what you can do:

  • Share a moment of silence at your school, workplace or church
  • Give a tribute to your local mosque (flowers, pictures, letters etc)
  • Attend a prayer service at a Mosque
  • Show your support at local events that have been organised
  • Donate what you can

Al Noor Mosque, Christchurch and New Zealand,
E aroha nui atu ana ki a koutou i tēnei wā
(Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you at this time)