AGM update 2021

MDANZ held its annual general meeting at the end of April, and we’d like to introduce you to the national council’s newest members.

The 2021 MDANZ annual general meeting was held on April 30 via Zoom. Members and staff were among those who attended.

National Executive Chairperson Dr Tristram Ingham presented his report and spoke to MDANZ’s response to its values – sustainable, empowering, connected and proactive.

He spoke about the organisation remaining sustainable throughout the disruption Covid-19 caused, how staff, and members, adjusted to remote working, about diversifying the organisation’s revenue and its contact centre.

Tristram said MDANZ was empowering members through a digital inclusion project, accessible transport and funding for research, and he referenced the importance of being, and staying, connected through peer support, the DPO Coalition, the Workbridge Council and the Neurological Alliance.

He also covered off MDANZ’s proactive work around Enabling Good Lives Prototyping, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), the Disability Action Plan and the Pandemic Response.

Tristram did not stand for re-election as National Executive Chairperson. Mike Nolan (Canterbury Region) was elected unopposed as National Chairperson and Trevor Jenkin (Northern Region) was elected unopposed as National Vice Chairperson.

Mike Nolan

I come from a background in tourism management and currently have a general manager role with a focus on marketing, HR and event management. My wife and I also owned and ran a successful café business for five years from 2010 to 2015. I have Becker Muscular Dystrophy and have been a member of MDANZ for more than 25 years.

Trevor Jenkin

Iam a long-time member and supporter of MDANZ and also Chairperson of the Northern Branch of MDANZ. I am self-employed and in my spare time I enjoy organising and attending events for MDANZ members.

Due to the resignation of Councillor-at-Large Anna Davis and one councillor’s term ending, nominations were called for. Three nominations were received for the two vacancies, and an election was held.

Nominations were received for Tony Antunovich, Joy Jenkin (who was standing for re-election) and Joel Latimer.

MDANZ’s returning office RSM Hayes Audit announced the result of the election at the AGM.

Tony (Northern Branch), pictured left, and Joy (Northern Branch), pictured right, were voted in as Councillors-at-Large.

Tony Antunovich

I am a 61-year-old father of three. I worked as a GP in Auckland for 25 years.

As a senior partner in a well-respected practice, I developed strong leadership and business skills with a team of doctors, nurses, and related staff.

I have a lived experience of neuromuscular disease having been diagnosed with a muscular condition 10 years ago.

In 2019, I transitioned to work as a member of the University of Auckland, Neurogenetics Research team. This has introduced me to a range of neuromuscular conditions. I have experienced the importance of the Multidisciplinary team and the valuable role the MDA has to play.

Joy Jenkin

I joined MDANZ after my son was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

I have been secretary for the Northern Branch for 10 years. During my time on the Northern Branch committee, I have organised family camps, Mums’ retreats, Christmas parties etc. I was elected to the National Council in 2019.

I am passionate about the association and love meeting other members and offering my support. In all my decision making my first thought is always “how will the members feel about this decision?”. Obviously, I won’t be able to please everyone, but I try to do the best I can for the members. I will continue to put the members first and continue to help provide support for our members and their whanau.

Tony and Joy join existing councillors Doris Hanham (Central Region), Scott Boyle (Canterbury Region) and Yasmin Dolbel-Neville (Northern Region), pictured left to right.

The branch representatives were announced at each region’s AGM and they areMike Schneider (Northern), Tristram Ingham (Central), TBC (Canterbury), and Mike Nolan (Southern), pictured left to right.

For more information please contact:

Melanie Louden
Communications and Marketing Advisor
Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand
027 509 8774