Nomination Process for the 2022 Election of the National Council
In accordance with the Constitution of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand Incorporated (MDANZ), we are now seeking nominations from members with voting rights who have an interest in serving on the National Council for a two-year term. This is a vital role for the organisation and the nomination process is outlined below.
Nominations are being called for the following positions:
1. National Council Chairperson
Current Position Holder: Trevor Jenkin – will re-stand for a further term.
2. National Council Vice- Chairperson
Current Position Holder: Scott Boyle – will re-stand for a further term.
3. Three Councillors to be elected at large
Current Position Holders: Joy Jenkin & Tony Antunovich.
Doris Hanham & Yaz Dolbel-Neville will not stand for a further term.
4. Young Rangitahi Representative (must be aged 16 to 25 and a member of MDANZ)
Current Position Holder : Alice Mander – not available for a further term.
The two-year term of office will start from the close of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday 29th April 2022.
Nomination and Election Processes
Nominees must meet the eligibility requirements set out in Clauses 11.4 and 11.5 of the MDANZ constitution and must be a member with voting rights. These requirements are attached as an appendix to this letter.
If there are more nominations received than the number of vacant positions available, then a voting ballot will be held under the rules set out in Clause 12 of the MDANZ Constitution.
Nomination Forms
Nominations must be completed on the official form. Email to request an official nomination form or download a form here.
We ask that you please attach some information about yourself to accompany the nomination, such as relevant experience and what interests you about becoming involved in the governance of a nationwide, non-profit organisation. This information should be around 250 words and will be used to inform members about nominees, (please note that we may edit information supplied).
You will need to return completed nomination forms, by 4pm on Friday 8th April 2022 by one of the following means:
Post: to the EA, Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand, PO Box 12063, Penrose, Auckland 1642 or email to
Please note that the Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must all be current voting members of MDANZ at the date of call for nomination and will need to provide their membership number. Failure to meet these requirements may disqualify the nomination. Your membership number is located at the top of this letter.
If you need any assistance, please email or phone 0800 800 337 and one of our team will be happy to assist you.